ReactJs Training Course in Ahmedabad
Course Curriculum
Understanding ReactJS
Advantages of ReactJS
Environment setup for ReactJS development
Introduction to NPM and NodeJS
Developer Tools extensions for ReactJS development
ReactJS Lifecycle
Directory structure in ReactJS projects
Introduction to JSX
Working with Nested Elements and Attributes
JavaScript Expressions and Comments in JSX
Component Life Cycle
Introduction to State and Props
Working with Component State
Handling Props in Components
Stateless and Stateful Components
Introduction to useState and useEffect Hooks
Handling React Events
Form Handling in ReactJS
Styling Forms in ReactJS
Creating Dynamic Form Components
Methods for handling Arrays and Objects
Spreading, merging, and destructuring
Working with map, filter, and reduce
Introduction to Local Storage and CRUD Operations
Installing and configuring Third-party packages for routing
Working with React Router
Sending data between pages
Implementing CRUD operations with Routing
Implementing Form Validation and Filtering
Introduction to Redux
Setting up Redux in ReactJS applications
Redux Actions, Reducers, and Store
Integration of Redux with React Components
Advanced Redux Operations
Persistence with Local Storage and Session Storage
Introduction to Reselect and Reducer Hooks
Creating Selectors and using CreateStructuredSelector
Utilizing Redux Utility Functions
Implementing Google Authentication
Creating Custom Higher-Order components
Introduction to Stripe Payment Integration
Exploring React Hooks for advanced functionalities
Introduction to Next.js: Overview and Benefits
Setting up a Next.js Development Environment
Basics of React in Next.js
Routing in Next.js: Pages and Dynamic Routes
Styling in Next.js: CSS Modules, Styled Components
Data Fetching in Next.js: APIs, Server-side Rendering
State Management with Context API or Redux in Next.js
Next.js and Authentication: JWT, OAuth
Optimizing Performance in Next.js: Code Splitting, Image Optimization
Deployment Strategies for Next.js Applications
Integrating the concepts learned into a comprehensive project
Hands-on development experience under the guidance of instructors